A Look at Our Custom Bobblehead Production Process

We specialize in the sale of custom bobblehead dolls and figurines. Each piece is meticulously hand sculpted and painted by one of our skilled artists. There are several options to choose from when purchasing. A single person bobblehead doll or figurine can be created, or as many as four on one base. Client may choose from over 300 body molds from our website (we sculpt the head onto mold), or if they have their own idea, we can create one completely custom from head to toe. This is an excellent option as it allows the customer to be creative when designing their piece. We are the only company that not only creates custom bobble head dolls, but full scale true to life figurines as well.

There are many themes available depending on interest or occasion. Everything from sports and music, to activities and weddings. At Face It Figures, we are constantly adding new molds, giving the customer even more to choose from. It could be anything as simple as a single bobble head or figurine, or an elaborate three-dimensional backdrop scene.

1. The first step begins with you. Choose your desired theme and mold. You may purchase as pictured or add an accessory, company logo, base inscription and more. You can upload your pics right within the product page (you can also mail your pics). Once you place the order, we get to work!

2.  We then begin sculpting the face based on the pics given from the client. Usually it takes between 4-5 days before a proof is sent to you for your review. At this time customer may request to have an many changes made to the sculpt as they like. Although these are made to be caricature type pieces, our artists work vigorously to capture the distinguishing qualities unique to that person's face. 

3. After the facial sculpt has been approved, the sculpt is given a once over to check for imperfections. (Keep in mind that each one is hand sculpted and on few occasions there will be minor imperfections).

4. Next, the polyresin mold is baked.

5. Then painted. Once it's been painted, the customer has the opportunity to request color changes just in case the hair or eye color is not quite right for example.

6. Finally, your custom bobblehead doll is completed and packaged in a protective cardboard box with custom cut Styrofoam. Your bobblehead is shipped, we provide you with a tracking number and presto! Your one of a kind work of art is in hand.

Please keep in mind that it literally takes hours to create jsut one bobblehead not including multiple revisions hence the lengthy wait time. Each one is hand made to order so the faster you respond to proofs, the quicker we can get your order out to you. The wait will be worth the expression you get from the recipients face!

Our bobbleheads make fantastic gifts. Order Yours Today!


Have Questions? Then by all means ask away!
Email us: support@faceitfigures.com 

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