First, let's take a look at how it originated:
- Patricia Bays Haroski registered "National Boss Day" with the US Chamber of Commerce in 1958.
- She worked as a secretary for State Farm Insurance Company and chose November 8th because she couldn't remember the birthday of her boss (also her father) was actually on the 16th.
- In 1962, Illinois governor Otto Kerner backed Haroski's registration and proclaimed the day.
- Now an international celebration, this holiday is observed in countries such as Australia, India, South Africa and even Ireland and the UK.
- Hallmark did no offer a boss' day card until 1979.
It's a traditional day for employees to thank their boss for being kind and fair throughout the year. Let me just say that having a job nowadays especially in such a shaky economy is truly something to be thankful for. But, as far as boss's being fair and kind, really? I've heard more horror stories than anything when it comes to people discussing their jobs and immediate boss. They speak of the exact opposite of what National Boss Day stands for. They speak of their boss as being unkind, unfair, and not of understanding. I know I have had my negative experiences in the workforce. Not something your truly enthusiastic about celebrating.
Of course, I know what your thinking right now. Take it easy, not all boss's are like that. Some employers are actually a pleasure to work for. Your absolutely right. I have also had very positive experiences with a few of my past employers and I'll never forget them. They were humble, down to earth individuals that would recognize a job well done and acknowledge it. For those of you that have a boss that you get along with and want to show your appreciation for their kindness, by all means that is a reason to celebrate. After all, the ideal boss is becoming hard to come by these days.
If you would like to show your appreciation to your employer, we do have a few inexpensive gift ideas in mind that we feel are a great way to express your gratitude.
Blue Sunray Pocket Watch $50.00 |
Gunmetal & Silver Ballpoint Pen $19.99 |
Classic Square Cuff links $30.00 |
Modern Glass Clock $40.00 |
Soho Black Frame $14.99
These gifts can be engraved with a personalized message and are sure to make a great impression. To me, giving a gift like this to your boss is like saying, "I know your the boss, but thanks for treating me with respect." It makes reporting to work everyday a little easier to deal with. Employer's that are kind should be encouraged to hold on to their morals and values in the workplace and continue to treat the employees the same way they would like to be treated.